Archive for February, 2008

Boyd Coddington gone at age 63

Posted in cars, concepts, custom, hot rod, Industry News on February 29, 2008 by Craig Pike

…has sadly passed on today at the age of 63.Suffice to say, he was a true giant in the industry, and the first builder to truly inspire me to throw my hat in the ring, and do what I love. His approach and design sense changed forever the direction of the modern street rod and custom car, and will be viewed forever as the benchmark of his era. Cars like CadZZilla are world-famous, and his face was easily one of the most recognizable in the industry.

(CadZZilla and the Hirohata Merc at the Oakland Museum of California… sorry for cruddy pic.)

(…and speaking of CadZZilla, how ’bout a cool peek at a gathering of great talent during what just may have been the birth of that car?

Birth of CadZZilla

Can you name these guys? –that is a young Larry Erickson on the right… only hint I’ll give)

Thanks to a guy who, no matter how hectic his schedule, took time to spend a few moments with me at a show, and review what I was working on at the time. Sadly, as large a page in hot rodding history as he will fill, there’s an equally big footnote with respect to the terrible PR his TV show brought on, the scandals, behind the scenes drama, the mis-management of business dealings…. All of the things that commonly plague uncommonly talented people. Hopefully, history will raise him to his proper place as the man who forged the future of the industry, giving rise to many talented builders, designers and more.

I recall a time when it was so cool to see a set of billet wheels… “Those are BOYD’S, man!!” One-off wheels for one-off creations… pieces of grand sculpture if ever there were such a thing. Hell, my first hot rod shop t-shirt was a Hot Rods by Boyd tee (with Thom Taylor’s killer artwork)… To call this man an inspiration in my career path would be like saying fish enjoy water. His aesthetic and ground-breaking approach to creating a hot rod will always live on, in some way, in all I create.

(how famous is THAT wall?!)

A sad day, indeed. Our sincerest condolences to his family and close friends. Godspeed, Boyd.

Courtesy of Brian over at Thanks Brian.

CNTA, Cal-Neva Timing Association Reunion

Posted in cars, drag racing, Family, racing, vintage/nostalgia on February 26, 2008 by Craig Pike

I just got off the phone with Glenn Stephenson, founder and official torch holder for the CNTA or California, Nevada Timing Association. This drag racing club was founded in 1939 and met at the track for club races continuously until about 1970 when the popularity of professional drag racing made it tough for the hobbyists to compete.

Glenn is a long time friend of my Pops. I wanted to let all the CNTA members know this reunion’s happening cause as Glenn said, “Since the 1999 reunion, those guys are all dying, so this might be the last one!”

The details are this:

March 15th, 2008

at the Richmond Rod & Gun Club in Richmond, CA

For any other info, you should contact Glenn Stephenson or his wife Karen at 510-237-4238.

I took notes the best I could and I hope to get more info from the reunion from Pops and his buddy Harry, but to fill you in on a few details, the CNTA was a group of racers that had an organized schedule of where they’d run. They’d rotate tracks, Baylands in Fremont, Cotati, Vaca Valley, Half Moon Bay, Fallon in Nevada, all over Norcal and Nevada. It was a great deal for the track owners cause they’d have about 40 more racers show up when CNTA was in town. The members would race the locals and each other for the track’s prizes, usually a trophy or if you won a few times, a jacket and for points withing the CNTA. Points would be awarded for winning, setting records and even for traveling the longest distance to the race. At the end of the year, the top guys would get a club jacket and a plaque. I can tell you for certain that my Pops treasures his jacket and his plaque from those days.

Pure Hell Fuel Altered Dale Emery Driving

I could hear in Glenn’s voice that he was proud of the CNTA and the things they’d accomplished. Well, not all of the things! (he did mention trying to bury my dad head first in the sand…)

Some of the old CNTA members you might still know (or should know!)

How about Wayne Torkelson? I had never made the connection when I saw his bad to the bone Pro-mod Thunderbird racing. Always a Thunderbird!

And there’s Butch Blair, long time drag racer and pilot of the Fugowie front engine dragster.

And do a search for CNTA member Dale Emery and you’re bound to find another member, Rich Guasco of Pure Hell fame. This picture shows Dale Emory at the wheel. (Thank you for the image.) That’s some pretty good company that Glenn’s hoping will all attend, some from as far away as Ohio, Texas good old Arizona and all over California and Nevada.

Please spread the word about the reunion so these guys can talk about all the good times, one more time. Thanks!!

(and while you’re here, why not join It’s free!)

NHRA Coverage: Rain Sucks

Posted in auto, cars, drag racing, racing with tags , , , on February 26, 2008 by Craig Pike

Out of all the days…Raining Firebird Raceway
It rains here 0.8″ on average in February’s in “sunny” Chandler, Arizona, but for some sick, demented and just play wrong reason, it had to rain on my vacation day at the NHRA Nationals.  Why not rain on some damn golf event! 26 days of rain a year! That’s all we get… It’s a fact. 7% for the math challenged… 7 days out of 100. I guess I’m just lucky.

I did have a good time though!

Hang’n at a track is always fun. My buddy Dave (click for his garage) races a 1974 Vega in Super Street. Lucky me had a dry trailer to hang in and I got to bring the 12 pack and the Carl’s Jr. Just in case you’re wondering, a “Combo meal with a side of hamburger” isn’t a joke. It means get an extra burger or Joe’s (click for his garage) gonna be hungry. Somehow we survived with a 4-buck hot dog to ease the hunger pain.

Dave wasn’t so lucky, or was he? After his shake down run, he felt his powerglide slipping. (Was that the name of a b-side Journey song?) After checking the fluid, he decided to drop the deep sump pan. Doing so, he heard the problem as one of the bolts that holds in the fluid pickup had snapped off. We trucked over to the Mac Tools center to find some left-handed drill bits. I thought we were looking for easy-outs, so I wasn’t fall’n for the old, “left-handed drill bit “routine… sure, I ask, “What’s a left handed drill bit?” and I look like the knuckle head searching for a bucket of prop wash or a quart of blinker fluid on his first day on the job. NOT ME! Umm, turns out there are left-handed drill bits and for $40 you can buy’m. (I didn’t really let on that I had just learned something… I was too worried about my 6’4″ frame bouncing off the back of Dave’s quad as we rode “Broke Back” style back to his pits…) (not that there’s anything wrong with that…) Here’s Dave’s, “I said sprocket, not socket” face and the limited edition, racing stickers, ready to go to battle (don’t ask about contingency prizes!). Dave broke out first round after cutting a 0.005 light with a 10.79 on a 10.90 dial. Oops.

1974 Drag Vega Racing Stickers

So as I left, damp and pissed that the rain had stopped, started, started and stopped all day, I grabbed this shot. This is how the top tier of drag racing rolls: (BAM! That just happened!)

John Force Racing Rigs

These rigs represent the EMPIRE that is John Force Racing. 6 identical Peterbilt haulers in pristine white. As my luck would continue to run, Force went out 1st round and the sweetheart of drag racing, Ashley Force, didn’t even qualify with only the 2 runs on Saturday to get in. At least Robert Hight stayed hot and kept on to the final round where he lost to flu-stricken Fast Jack Beckman. Force had the call of the day following his and Mike Neff’s 1 & 2 (at the time) qualifying run. The 2 funny’s nearly touched at the end of the track. Force said, “Good thing we’re sponsored by Old Spice cause that was a close shave!”. Nobody does it better. Hats off to all NHRA pros for keeping on. After Eric Medlen’s death last year, I almost couldn’t watch racing anymore. Compare that to the Force team and amazingly, John Medlen. They’re out there trying to win and go as fast as they safely can while unselfishly sharing all they learn to protect other drivers. Thanks guys!

So all in all, a bad day of racing is better than work. Don’t you agree? Let us know and while you’re here, don’t wait for the next rainy day, please JOIN

Ford Falcon Mania (or the side effect of a W chromosome)

Posted in auto, cars, Home built, hot rod, rat rod, Vintage on February 25, 2008 by Craig Pike

I’ve wanted to write a few blogs for a while. One of them is about the cool Falcons at already. I take a personal interest since I’ve got one of them even though it might be for sale before too long. You know what they say about having too many projects… I know, you can never, but in this case, I might punt so I can do some work on my Rambler Wagon.

So, if you’re a fellow Falcon Fanatic, (Craig’s about to be clever) a Bird of Prey Beholder or Carnivorous Bird Custodian, dig these rides. (Click on any picture to see it full size)

62 falcon

First is the 62 mor-dor from garvinzoom. This car is rolling proof that a 4 door can be cool and that high-def Coolosity you doesn’t have to break the bank. The original 170 inline six and two speed auto ride in the factory but lowered chassis with 13″ skinny whites on blacksteel rims. The body has primer with the trim holes filled, reverse lights shaved and fuel cap moved inside trunk. The interiors a self described “Crappy but clean”.

1964 Falcon convertible

The next Falcon is the killer square bodied vert, one of many owned by my buddy Rob known as Mr. Freeze. Rob’s got some pics of the Falcon when he got it and is pretty much an expert on making cars right on the cheap by doing most work himself and finding quality places that don’t charge a fortune for the stuff he doesn’t want to do. Nuff said, look:

62 Falcon Wagon

Then comes my favorite! The Falcon wagon… There’s something wrong with wagon dudes like me. I think there’s a W chromosome missing or something? If you’re like me, then you’ll dig the project falconizer_62 has going. Along with the killer Mustangs he’s done, the roof on this wagon had to be completely replaced due to rust. I love where he’s going with this, it’s like a template for my wagon. Check it out and read the BLOG in his garage.

62 deluxe wagon

Then, if one righteous Falcon ain’t enough, here’s Rob’s other… a 62 Wagon Deluxe V8 on bags… oh, and it’s a 2 door! Alots folks can’t do the 4 doors, but really, you gotta go with what’s available. The 2 doors are harder to find and obviously, that means more money. Still, this car sits just right and get’s my wagon wheels rolling.

63 Falcon Wagon

Bringing up the rear for wagons is mine. It’s “blue Craig” cause that’s what my kids named it. I’ve got plans to paint it blue one of these days and that’s all it takes with my boys. This thing is very rough around the edges, but to me, holds high potential. If it weren’t for my other projects still needing love and attention (translate… MONEY) I’d keep her. Who knows, when I get the starter replaced, I’ll probably lose all common sense and hang on for the ride.


Not to slight my man Mike though, here’s one last Falcon… A Ranchero that’s as clean as they come. Mike and Rob have teamed up on several Falcon builds. He’s got a Comet wagon almost done. I hope he shares soon…

Ok, but tastes like Chicken? You tell me.

Dig this blog? There’s lot more at! Then, Blogs are HERE and you can join, for FREE too… JOIN HERE.

GNRS Suede Palace – more than flat paint

Posted in cars, custom, hot rod, rat rod, vintage/nostalgia with tags , , , , , , on February 20, 2008 by Craig Pike

Damn slacker! Oh well, better late then never.

I did take quite a few shots at in the Suede Palace at the 2008 Grand National Roadster Show in Pomona, CA. For those of you who missed it, the Suede Palace is a show within a show featuring vintage hot rods and customs that pushes back against the modern looking 20+ inch-wheeled billet monsters of the main hall. Some might say that’s where all the “rat” rods are, but look closely, there’s more to the Suede Palace than just flat paint. With help from his wife Celeste, Axle from the Shifters Car club puts the best of live music and vintage hot rod movies together with DJ’s playing doo-wop, rockabilly, rhythm and blues and surf. The vendors inside sell the unique items Suede-folk are looking for. Also, 2008 marked the first year that Bombshell-n-Ink will host a vintage style pin-up contest sponsored by Somehow I missed the pinup contest… don’t miss… it might be better than the Victoria Secrets catalog!

You can learn more about the Suede Palace at their Myspace page: Suede Palace or check out the sister show at the Sacramento Autorama (we already missed it) called the Suede Pavilion. It’s the same idea, just up in Norcal.

So here are a few of the shots I like… the rest are over in the events picture page. Hot rod and custom car pictures: Click HERE to go.

If you have any good shots, be sure to let us know, especially if you have pics from Sacramento. Feel free to comment too. Did you know you don’t have to be a member to comment?

(Click on the pic to see it full size…)

2008 Suede Palace2008 Suede Palace

2008 Suede Palace2008 Suede Palace

Whipped cream… Salsa and Low Riders

Posted in art & Photography, cars, concepts, custom, vintage/nostalgia on February 16, 2008 by Craig Pike

Writen by Brian at Problem Child Kustoms

Whipped cream…

…and salsa. Salsa?!

I know what you’re thinking. “Where is he going THIS time?!”

I like looking at things from a decidedly different angle, and am often
inspired to seek out the inspiration behind a trend, or a particular
style… I’m a fan of mixing and matching themes, styles,
whatever…and an even bigger fan of just having fun with whatever I’m
doing, and often seek out things that reflect this attitude. Whether in
friends, books, movies, or music. Occasionally, this leads me to seek
out stuff that’s a bit off the beaten path. Such was the case here in
the studio once again.
(Yeah, it’s gonna be another musical jaunt… and it’ll all wrap up
nicely, as usual, with cars. Stay with me, I think you’ll dig this
little side trip.)

Anyway, I got to thinking, of all things, about Herb Alpert (not Marv
Albert. That’d be weird.), and gave a listen to “Whipped Cream and
Other Delights”… A far cry from what I was listening to a week ago,
to say the least…. and by far much stranger cover art (if not quite
risque’, considering its 1965 release date):

Granted, this album was released before my time (in this dimension,
anyway… there may be another me in some other dimension, hanging out
in a lounge…), but man… how cool were these cats? If you’re not
familiar with the Tijuana Brass, here’s a quick history lesson:

Herb Alpert was a trumpet player who developed a unique sound that was
a mix of south-of-the-border, mariachi and distinctly lounge-y sounds,
probably best described as “Ameriachi” (as I learned from a few
sources). If you’re really lost here, think of the theme from the TV
show The Dating Game, called “Spanish Flea”, which was a Herb
Alpert/Tijuana Brass tune, and you’ll have an idea… or their version
of “The Lonely Bull”.

Anyway, the ‘Brass cranked out a few albums in the ’60’s (even a cool
Christmas album! Find a copy, and mambo your way through a Christmas
Wonderland…)until Alpert called it quits, and took his (and business
partner Jerry Moss’) record label A&M, and signed some heavy
talent, releasing a few albums of his own along the way (out-selling
Michael Jackson in the late-’70’s! Says a lot for that era, I guess),
before selling the company to PolyGram in the late 1980’s.

So what’s this got to do with cars? Think traditional lowriders.
Bellflower custom style(named after the city in LA county where the
look spawned). A mix of the lowrider and custom car, and you’ll see
where I’m headed.

Consider Watson’s Caddy:

It is the embodiment of the Bellflower look… the low stance, simple
(if often ANY) body mod’s, the bold, yet somehow understated paint
technique (much like his T-Bird that came before), and those killer
pipes. The East LA style, mixing elements from two cultures (like the
Tijuana Brass did!), and coming out the other end with a clean, cool
style. It’s all about class, luxury, and style. Just like a lowrider,
but with custom roots.

Lowriders embodied Mexican tradition. Cruising in a decked-out ride to
impress the ladies, and show off your skills was more than just about
the cars. Cruising may be traced back to the “paseo”, where singles
would walk around in the central plaza of the village, basically
checking one another out. The idea here was to impress. Put these kids
in cars, and it sure looks a lot like cruising… Which brings us
forward a few years to the end of the second world war. Hot rodding was
booming as young men returned from military service, eager to make
creative use of their new mechanical skills. On the other end of the
spectrum, the Mexican immigrants were making their cars look luxurious.
It was style over speed… lowered stance, different hubcaps, an
accessories like spotlights, skirts, pipes… many items shared in
traditional customizing.

Fast-forward a few more years, and combine this look with the growing
custom scene, and well, you got some clean, mild cars that made the
most of the new styling coming from the factory… Apply it to a luxury
car, and you’re well on your way to a crossover look beyond compare.
Imagine in late 1957 (coincidentally, the same year Bellflower was
incorporated as a city), a young Larry Watson cruising into the Clock
Drive-In in his panel-painted T-Bird…

I have a soft spot for this look… A couple years back, I sketched up
a modern take on the look, combining it with the pro-touring look —
note pinstripe whitewalls on a 5-spoke as a nod to the classic
“Supremes and pinners” look (OK, and a mild chop, extended quarters,
relocated and shortened trim…):

The idea behind the Bellflower look is clean lines, cool, vibrant and
rich colors mixed with just enough chrome to keep your eyes
happy…Make use of some ‘flake or pearl, some striping… In other
words, think mild custom, but dressed a notch higher. It’s a fun style,
to be sure, much like Herb’s band of session musicians belting out
“Ameriachi” cover versions. Take one thing, and spice it up with
another influence, and man, you can’t help but feel the vibe, and nod
your head approvingly as you smile.

And that’s how my mind works: From whipped cream to salsa, stopping in
between for some quick history, and leaving you to consider mixing up
some styles on your project…

Brian is a super talented artist and designer with a nutty sense of humor. I’m gonna steal everything he writes and post it here (except for his crazy rants… f*ck lighthouses you say?)

You can see his work at his website: or in his garage here at PCK’s Garage

“Metrosxl” Nash Metropolitan

Posted in auto, cars, Home built with tags , on February 16, 2008 by Craig Pike

metro.jpgAmber’s got a thing for Metro’s and probably the best name I’ve seen for any ride at She tells a great story about nabbing the Metro from Needles, CA for a song, then later earning the double bonus karma points by saving a choking lady with the Heimlich maneuver! WOW!

Even as her first project, she’s doing the work herself and she’s proud of it!

Click on the picture or CLICK HERE to see Amber’s garage.

1937 Fiat Topolino Dragster

Posted in auto, cars, drag racing, Vintage with tags , , on February 16, 2008 by Craig Pike

1937 Fiat Topolino DragsterMy new friend Newt’s got this super clean dragster (he let a girlie girl drive it once!) and this tough looking dropped Caddy tucked into his garage. You gotta love that!

Newt was also the winner of the Lincoln Electric Welding helmet gave away. See, it pays to be a member!


1951 Kaiser Kustom Featured in Hot Rod Magazine

Posted in auto, cars, custom, Home built, Vintage with tags , , , , on February 16, 2008 by Craig Pike

I got the bright idea of showing all the featured rides in a quick blog here at I don’t keep it secret that this blog’s only purpose is to bring folks to So to give you a taste of what’s there, dig on the featured rides I’m adding. If you don’t dig this one… you might be dead.

f5dbdc19f7526537e5ffeae59dace3a1.jpgWhat started as a 4-door, 1951 Kaiser is now this cool custom riding low on a 1995 Caprice chassis with LT1 power. Made at home with the help of buddies, this is what is all about.

Click the thumbnail to see the garage. It’s got build pics of where this thing started. Check it out!

GNRS Show Cars, The Under-over

Posted in cars, custom, hot rod with tags , , , , , , , on February 4, 2008 by Craig Pike

If you’ve never had the chance to visit a premier classic/hot rod show, then you might be wondering, what’s it take to hit that level? It’s trivial to say, “You need alot of money.” While that’s true, it’s like they say, “Money can’t buy love” and you can see and feel the sometimes years of effort it takes to put a top quality car together. A new friend from over at would also like everyone to know that alot of the big builders farm out work too. Not everyone’s an expert at everything! From the concept illustrations to the wiring to the paint and body, these cars must be done right. Alot of times, they define right and set the trends for the next super show cars.

So take a look at the ultimate Under-over. These pics show the detail you could put into your rod or muscle car if you wanted to. Before the “You gotta drive it” crew chimes in, I agree. But if these cars sit on blinged-out rotating displays with their rotors chromed and headers polished and nary the tiniest oil stain on their white engine blocks for a year before being driven, that’s cool with me. It’s your ride. It’s your choice. My Ride is Me, not you.

Start with this 32 from Squeeg’s Kutsoms in Mesa, AZ. I met these guys preparing this car for the microscope of the Grand National Roadster show. They were re-polishing the exhaust because this car had been driven (and enjoyed) by Doug before the November 2007 Goodguys Show in Scottsdale. Dig the scallops with pinstripes, all cut and polished UNDER the car. (Click on any of these pics to see them full size.)

Squeeg's 32 Roadster

Then, I’m pretty sure this is a 1949 Mercury. If you’re gonna shoot a big show like this, I recommend shooting the show card too! I love the contrast of the paint and chrome. Who’s the tired cat who polished all this?

1946 Mercury Custom

Then I shot this one to show that you don’t have to be all chrome. The big striping works and is a perfect compliment. Dig the spotless, armor- alled tire tread too!

Car show underbellysimg_7127.jpg

There were several non-rods on display in the main hall at the GNRS too. This corvette is as nice as they come. This shot through the wheel opening show the details (properly lit for the full effect) under the car even though it was sitting on the ground. (this is one of my favorite shots!)

Corvette detail GNRS

Then, there’s the mirrors under the cars that help us see the details. I found them pretty much impossible to capture in a decent photo, but they were cool in person. I’ll show a couple so you get the idea. I’m waiting for someone to do a display where folks can walk under and over the car. That’d rock!

img_7141.jpg img_7130.jpg

Last but not least. Tube frames are cool, look racey and all, but how’d you like to be the guy who painted and buffed it for the bottom of the car?

GNRS AMBR under the car

What do you think? Too much? Great? Let us know. Next time I go into the tailpipe of an actual show winner to see what they had to eat.